Marisol del Teso Craviotto

I was born and raised in Spain, but I spent almost 30 years in the US, where I completed an MA and a PhD, raised a family, and developed my career as a linguist. As fate would have it, I am back in Spain after a three-year stay in Luxembourg, where I discovered the true meaning of multilingualism and multiculturalism and fell in love all over again with languages and the worlds they open.


Throughout my career as a linguistics researcher, university professor and translator, I have…

…dedicated time and effort to continuously improve my professional skills (see the education section below).


…written 11 academic articles for international journals and presented my work at professional and generalist conferences. I have discussed linguistics with experts and with undergraduate students. I even tried once, more or less successfully, to explain what I do to my grandmother.


…graded many, many papers, and I have helped many, many students express their ideas with accuracy.


…taught about language, culture and society, and I have thought deeply about how they interconnect as part of my research.


What do all these things have in common?

They helped me develop key skills that I bring into all the language services I provide:

Speaking two languages does not make you a linguist, just as running every day does not make you a professional trainer. I am an expert at languages and at finding solutions for your specific linguistic needs.

I am fully aware of the importance of acknowledging the needs and expectations of a target audience or client, and thus, I can create and adapt content to different audiences, outlets and genres.

I know that cultural and social nuances are key to translate a text accurately while maintaining naturalness in the target language. My translations are precise and also culturally sensitive. No Machine Translation or AI can provide such a fine-tuned service. Not yet, at least.

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